Ashford Prep School Pupil Leaders Enjoy Graduation Event at University of Oxford
Last week, a team of Year 6 pupils at Ashford Prep School enjoyed a special Graduation Day at St Anne’s College, University of Oxford to celebrate their completion of this year’s Student Leadership Programme.
Run by United Learning in partnership with Persil’s Dirt is Good Project, the programme challenges primary-aged pupils across the Group’s academies and independent schools to develop and deliver their own social action project, for the benefit of their school, local or wider communities.
At last week’s exciting Graduation Day, the young leaders saw their excellent efforts celebrated when they presented their project to an audience of over 100 peers and teachers from across other participating schools. The team took to the stage with impressive confidence and enthusiasm and were excellent representatives of their school community.
During their trip, pupils also got the opportunity to learn more about university life and what it means to be a student at the University of Oxford. The pupils enjoyed a special tour of the College as well as a taster Classics lecture where they explored how to recognise Greek Gods and Goddesses.