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We have a wide range of fiction and non-fiction eBooks available via VLEBooks and OverDrive.

VLEBooks: Login via this link or go to and log in with Office 365.

You can search the catalogue by author, title or keyword and create virtual bookshelves for your favourite eBooks.

eBooks can be read online or downloaded to your device.  You can change the font size and page layout and read against a range of coloured backgrounds.  You may print up to 10% of the text to keep for later use.

OverDrive: Login via the Sora app on your SurfaceGo or use this link.

You can search the catalogue, explore the collections, make notes and change the display to suit you.  You can also access audiobooks and graphic novels.

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  • Ashford Prep School
    Great Chart, Ashford, Kent, TN23 3DJ
    +44 (0)1233 620493
    The Stables Nursery: +44 (0)1233 656865

  • Ashford Senior School
    East Hill, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8PB
    +44 (0)1233 625171
    Bridge Nursery: +44 (0)1233 636450

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