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The history curriculum helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and aims to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past; to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh-up evidence, examine different perspectives and to make reasoned and informed judgements. The curriculum aims to ensure that pupils understand the history of our country as a coherent, chronological narrative, how people’s lives have shaped our nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. Each topic, in each year group is introduced with a lively interactive play to inspire their learning and to give the children a glimpse of the topic ahead.

Year 3:

The Roman Invasion, including Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55-54 BC, Claudius’ successful invasion and the subsequent conquest and the power of the Roman army. Also covered is the resistance led by Boudicca and the ‘Romanisation’ of Britain and the impact of this on technology and culture.  This is enhanced with a hand-on workshop, allowing children to experience Roman army weapons and armour and making a scale model Roman catapult.

Anglo-Saxon Settlement in Britain, including Roman withdrawal from AD 410, Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements and kingdoms; place names and village life and Anglo-Saxon art, culture and beliefs including a study of the discovery of Sutton Hoo.

Viking Invasion, including their raids on monasteries, Viking longboats, Danelaw and Viking cultures and beliefs including Viking Gods. Towards the end of the topic, children take part in a hands-on workshop which consolidates their learning and includes making a scale model Viking longship, complete with oars and figure head.

Year 4:

Henry VIII and his Wives, including a study of each wife, reasons for marriage, the impact and consequence of the marriage and how the marriage ended. Children also investigate the importance of religion and the impact of Henry’s split from Rome on both the royal family, including Henry’s children, and Britain.

Life in Tudor England, including homes, houses and towns, jobs, food, fashion and entertainment, including Shakespeare. During this topic, children take part in a workshop to consolidate their understanding, including making a scale model Tudor house!

Elizabeth I and Tudor Exploration, including Elizabeth’s rise to the throne, the difficulties faced by Mary Queen of Scots, the impact of Britain’s changing religion, Sir Francis Drake’s circumnavigation and the impact on the countries he discovered and the Spanish Armada.

Year 5:

Queen Victoria and the Victorian Era, including a study of Queen Victoria’s family, the impact of the Industrial Revolution, factories, workhouses, schooling, the life of working children and the importance of reformers such as Lord Shaftesbury and Dr Barnardo in changing laws to improve the lives of the poor. Children also make an independent study of a Victorian inventor. During this topic, children spend a day experiencing a Victorian school day, consolidating their understanding of what school life was like for children during this era.

Ancient Egyptians, including the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, including Gods, Pharaohs and mummification, why and how pyramids were built, ancient Egyptian farming and everyday life. Children consolidate their understanding with a hands-on workshop, including building a scale model pyramid!

Year 6:

Britain in World War II, including Allied and Axis powers, key events such as Operation Dynamo, the Battle of Britain, the Blitz and D-Day, evacuation, rationing and the role of women. As part of their study, children visit the War Tunnels at Dover Castle to gain first-hand experience of how they were used during Operation Dynamo. They also visit the Battle of Britain Memorial to find out about this event in an interesting and interactive way while empathy and understanding. Children also take part in a hands-on workshop later on in the topic to consolidate their learning further.

Post-War Britain and The Sixties, including why and how Britain voted for change after the war, what Britain was like after the war and how Britain changed, focussing on Lord Beveridge and the introduction of the NHS and Welfare System. Children study the eras that followed and how life in Britain changed and the influence of music, fashion and TV. They finish their topic with a study of a 60s icon and their renowned 60s Day!