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We understand that Maths can be a daunting subject for some children, which is why we aim to provide engaging and though-provoking lessons that cater for children of all mathematical abilities. We aim for children to be able to see Maths in their everyday lives and to understand it from a young age. Our curriculum teaches facts in an exciting, hands-on way, while deeper thinking and problem-solving skills are nurtured and celebrated.

Teachers plan engaging and practical lessons using small step approaches. Each lesson starts with a daily review to ensure key facts and previous learning is constantly practised. The children then move on to the ‘Model’ stage of their learning, where the children are shown the key steps of the topic and are able to put it into practice themselves.  All children are encouraged to take part in independent skill practice activities to develop their understanding through repetition. Teachers ‘butterfly’ around the classroom to ensure that all children are supported in their learning and feedback is provided when necessary.

Higher-ability children are challenged in their skills with additional problem solving and reasoning questions, whilst the skills are broken down bit by bit to aid understanding for children who might struggle with the topic.  Planning and delivering lessons are thought about at great depth to ensure Maths is delivered so that all children succeed.

We embrace Maths outside of the classroom as well as within it, and therefore offer a range of enrichment activities in which children can develop their skills. These include creative maths, problem solving and reasoning, geometry and multiplication club.

Our hope is to prepare children for Senior School learning, equipped with a love for Maths and an understanding of its role in everyday life.