Welcome to The Stables New Joiner’s Information Page.
To accept a place for your child, please complete:
ACCEPTANCE FORM – Bridge and The Stables Nursery
Please pay your deposit into the following bank account:
Barclays Bank
Bank Sort Code: 20-46-50
Account Number: 70307807
Account Name: United Church Schools Trust
IBAN Number: GB54BARC20465070307807
Swift Code: BARCGB22
Please reference your deposit: DEP First Name Surname (of your child).
School Fees
School fees may be paid termly by Bank Transfer, termly by Direct Debit or in monthly instalments by Direct Debit. If you wish to pay by Direct Debit please indicate on the Acceptance Form and complete the Direct Debit Form .
Instalment Scheme inc Invoice Terms and Conditions
The School provide students with Personal Accident Insurance (this insurance is compulsory and the subscription is included in the school fee). We also offer an optional Fee Refund Scheme and Private Medical Insurance. For further information please click here:
Mandatory Forms
Acceptance Form (see above)
Health Form
Confirmation of Sessions
Ethnic Origin Form
Photo Permission Form