Meet Bo (Willow, Year 11)
Tell us a little bit about your experience at Ashford School up to now?
I’ve been at Ashford School since I was three years old, so my experience at the school has played a large part in shaping who I am today.
Tell us about your favourite memory at School to date?
I’ve been at the school for thirteen years, so I have lots of favourite memories. Being made Deputy Head Girl and awarded the Music Cup at the Prep School, winning the National Indoor Cricket Championship at Lord’s, playing an oboe solo in the School’s 125th anniversary concert, and of course winning the United Learning’s Best in Everyone Art award are notable ones, but my favourite memories will probably be the everyday moments I have with my friends.
What is your favourite subject and why?
Art is my favourite subject. I like subjects that allow me to be independent.
Is there a teacher at Ashford School that inspires you, and helped your reach where you are today?
Mr Vafidis (senior) gave me a love for music at the Prep School which I think will stay with me forever.
What is your favourite thing to do outside of School?
I love going to see live music.
What book, film or song has changed your outlook on life?
I’m often inspired by exhibitions I go and see. I really enjoyed Future Shock at 180 Studios. It was an exhibition by pioneering sound and visual artists. It brought together my two loves, art and music.
Congratulations on being announced as the United Learning’s Best in Everyone Art Winner, how did receiving this award feel?
I was really proud to be announced as the winner and I was honoured to represent the school at the awards ceremony. It inspires me to pursue art as a career.