Ashford School encourages pupils to be the best they can be, but teachers also recognise that all children learn differently.
Our aim is simple: to provide all students with skills for learning that will make them feel happy and confident learners.
The Learning Support Department is staffed by Mrs Sophie Arkinstall-Doyle, SENCO, and five Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). The team provides both Literacy and Numeracy specialist lessons for students, and also assists those who need guidance with organisation and study skills, including examination technique and revision strategies. Learning Support is offered in individual or small group sessions; in addition, in-class personalised help is offered by LSAs across all teaching faculties.
We follow the JCQ criteria for exam access arrangements and screening for exam access arrangements at GCSE and A-Level is carried out by our schools named assessor. We can provide details of Educational Psychologists should parents wish to have their child fully assessed, but please liaise with us in the first instance.
Our admissions procedure is conducted on a fair and non-discriminatory basis.
If you wish to receive more information about the Learning Enhancement Department, please telephone the School on 01233 625171 and ask to speak to Mrs Arkinstall-Doyle.