Submit an Enquiry

Apply to The Stables Nursery

1. Visit us:

The first step to joining us at The Stables Nursery is to visit us and experience our Nursery in action.

Please contact our Nurseries Administrator, Carly Olajideto arrange a tour or submit an enquiry.

2. Register for a place:

Once you have visited the Nursery, you will need to register your child for a place. This can be done by completing our registration form and paying our non-refundable registration fee. For more information, visit our fees page.

3. Accept the offer of a place:

Once registered, your application will be considered and a decision to offer a place at The Stables Nursery will be made. When a place is offered, completion of the acceptance pack and payment of a refundable deposit of £500 should be made in order to secure the place.

4. Settle Session:

After you have accepted the offer of a place, we we want to get to know you and your child before they start. We will organise a meeting between yourself, your child’s key worker and the Head of The Stables Nursery. This will give us the opportunity to iron out any worries, discuss your child’s routine, answer any questions you may have, complete any remaining paperwork, and to finalise the arrangements for settling-in sessions.

Each settling in period is adapted with consideration for the child’s attachment to their parent or carer. It is important that the child should feel comfortable, secure and cared for, while being integrated into the life of the nursery.